Loredana-Irina  Peeters

Artist Statement

I needed to travel from my beginnings in drawing to come today to the world of paintings. After years of personal exploration I put together both my style and a mix of influences and imagination in my work.

My art is a visual expression of what I see and feel, and it comes out from my personal stories, relationships and connection to the world around. My pieces are a bit quirky, sparkling and exciting reflection of how I see the world around me. I prefer an abstract s

I use vibrant
colours and I have a  quirky approach to painting. My characters  are mostly people painted with in an abstract way. The backgrounds of my paintings are typically thick, applied with a palette knife and sometimes I use glass for a different textural quality .Most of my paintings are in a large to extra large size.

            I had several solo and group exhibitions in 

            The Netherlands and  Portugal:

·         Upcoming exhibition Rotterdam 14-15 November

·         Rotterdam September 2014

·         Coimbra Portugal May 2013

·         Apeldoorn Coda 2009, 2010

·         Amersfoort, Amfors Hall 2007, 2012

·         Warhuizen Church  2008, 2010, 2011


Contact :

Loredana-Irina Peeters

Utrecht , The Netherlands

Mobile: 0031 644010681

Email address:



Facebook page:


 All the paintings are multilayered, acrylic paint and
stretched on a frame of 4cm. 
Sides are also painted so every work is ready to hang!     
Please feel free to contact me for further information.
Εάν επιθυμείτε να αγοράσετε κάποιο πρωτότυπο έργο, απευθυνθείτε κατευθείαν στον καλλιτέχνη

If you want to buy the orignal artwork, contact  the artist  directly

Si vous souhaitez acheter l'oeuvre originale, contactez directement l'artiste
JUNE 2021
© Όλα τα έργα τέχνης που παρουσιάζονται στην ιστοσελιδα του ALESARTE © αποτελούν πνευματική ιδιοκτησία των δημιουργών τους και δημοσιεύονται όπως μας αποστέλλονται  - με δική τους ευθύνη - ως αυθεντικά έργα των ίδιων των καλλιτεχνών.Τα πνευματικά δικαιώματα των δημιουργών προστατεύονται από την εθνική, κοινοτική και διεθνή νομοθεσία. Κάθε εκτύπωση, αναπαραγωγή και διανομή απαγορεύεται αυστηρά.
© All of the images on this website ALESARTE © are copyrighted original artworks bythe author and are protected by international copy right law. No materials in this web site may be reproduced, copied, downloaded, or used in any form without permission.    
© Les œuvres d'Art présentes sur  ALESARTE © sont soumises aux dispositions des différentes législations nationales et internationales sur la protection des droits d'auteurs. Toute reproduction ou utilisation des œuvres de cette galerie est interdite sans autorisation écrite de l'artiste.

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